Get to know us better by taking a look at some of our work and results.
Beit el Zaytoun - Before
15 Barretts Green Rd, London NW10 7AE
This is a very popular Lebanese restaurant built by Britania Construction LTD, located in park royal.
Beit el Zaytoun -
Darelbeyt -
15 Barretts Green Rd, London NW10 7AE
This is a very popular Lebanese restaurant built by Britania Construction LTD as a second section to Beyt el Zeytoun after the great succes.
Darelbeyt -
Bake and Cake -
352 Edgware Rd, London W2 1EA
This is a very famous cafe in Central London, serving all different types of cakes and desserts.
Bake and Cake -
Mazaya -
Entrance from 17, First Floor 24-26 Brompton Road, Knightsbridge Green, London SW1X 7QN
Mazaya -
Milad supermarket - before
235-239 Maida Vale, North Maida Vale, London W9 1QJ
This is a Persian supermarket built by the Britania Construction LTD team in a short period of time.
Milad supermarket - after
Smart touch salon - before
342 Harrow Rd, London W9 2HQ
Hair Salon in Harrow Road built by Britania Construction LTD team
Smart touch salon -
Hotel room- before and after
Hotel room located in south Kensington. This room was built by Britania Construction Limited.
Amar Restaurant - before
Amar restaurant is located in 83 Battersea Rise, London SW11 1HW. This restaurant was built by Britania Constructions.
Some houses (1) -
This is a house built by the Britania Construction LTD team.
Some houses (1) -
Some houses (2) -
This is a house built by the Britania Construction LTD team.
Some houses (2) -
Some houses (3)
This is a house built by the Britania Construction LTD team.
Garden -
Garden -
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